Terms & Conditions
Cancellation & Refund Policy
Orders can be cancelled with a full refund prior to the wood being offloaded from the truck. This must happen via phone or in-person.
It is your responsibility as the firewood purchaser to confirm you are happy with wood quality before it is offloaded.
Scheduled delivery day and time can be changed due to wet weather. Please let us know 24 hours in advance if you would like to reschedule your delivery.
We retain the right to cancel any firewood order at any time, for any reason.
Privacy Policy
We are committed to protecting your privacy. We will not share your personal information to any third party. Emails sent by Blazing Firewood will only be in connection to the products and services which we provide.
How Much Is 3m3?
If you’re not familiar with the term cubic metres (m3) it can be difficult to picture just how much wood you’ll get if you order 3m3 or a full truck load of 6m3. (m3 is the abbreviation for a cubic metre.)
So a 3m3 load is equivalent to a thrown pile of firewood 3 metres long, 1 metre tall and 1 metre deep.
Our cubic metres are all thrown.
Processing Of Our Firewood
We cut our wood product to fit a standard fire place. In your order you will receive a variety of wood block sizes.
We use front end loaders to load our firewood into the delivery trucks, all loads will contain small amounts of kindling and starter wood pieces, save these when you’re putting your wood away as they are great to get the fire going.
We aim to process our logs a whole year ahead to ensure it is well seasoned in time for winter burning.
Storage & Seasoning Of Our Firewood
All our bagged and most of our bulk firewood is stored undercover.
It is best to purchase firewood before winter to allow the wood to finish drying in your shed.